This acer buergerianum bonsai (kaede) is for more then 35 years in our nursery now.It is a gem in its todays fall colors.
Seal voor de allereerste keer te gast op Night of the Proms in België.
For the first time Seal on The Night of the Proms, Antwerp.
(Still uit het Nieuws op VTM.)
Gewassen "Pilot"-liner tekening
Lady in Rose
Pencil, satéstick and small brush.
Piet Mondriaan
"The emotion of beauty is always obscured by the appearance of the object. Therefore the object must be eliminated from the picture."
Piet MondriaanStill from: AVRO de documentaire “In het Atelier van Mondriaan”
"groupie staring" , watercolorBang - elijk.