Pablo Picasso
pen paul scorpion
Master Drawings by a Rare Genius
In a special exhibition celebrating the 130th anniversary of Pablo Picasso's birth the Lindau Museum is exhibiting around 50 selected original drawings by the master painter of the 20th century. The exhibits have been made available from private collections throughout Europe.
until 28. August 2011 STADTMUSEUM LINDAU ~ BAYERN
Riet and Venus
Tekenen met "Riet" en pen.
Ecoline op aquarelpapier. Click to enlarge
First wetting the paper, with pure water following the forms, removing the exces,
then he unexpected:
ink and pen,
just minutes ....
so funny
(auch einer schönen Rücken kann entzücken)
copyright 2011 paul scorpion
We have lost some photographs of my work on this blog.I am sorry for that.Will try to restore them. Keep your blogs backuped.Thanks!The paintings are still there. (I hope).